

A prime promotion spot to the world for exquisitely beautiful tourism, it is Bali that brings the majority of foreign tourists to all of Indonesia. This is reflected in the beauty and variety of our handicrafts both tradition – based and of original creativity. Bali’s image as a peaceful, prosperous island without poverty full of super-star hotels – this ‘tourism pie’ is unevenly distributed and actually enjoyed by few. The reality for the artisans themselves is at the lowest realm of employment and actual poverty, because of the many middlemen between the artisans and his market / customers. Without down payments and long waits for reimbursement for materials, much less payment for the finished product, the unfair and repressive handicraft systems need a better option. 

Our solution, to support Bali, our planet Earth and its people is to create empathy and solidarity with the families and artisans that are the soul of Fair Trade. This is our pride and happiness – tangible programs for real families – small, but big changes! Browse through a variety of programs we’ve implemented on the field. Another wonderful world is possible!